The Slovenia Times

Journalist Association Says Media Legislation Needs Overhaul


Tweaks of criminal provisions, adjustments to implement decisions of the Constitutional Court and quotas for Slovenian music are "poorly selected, unambitious and non-essential adjustments of media legislation," the DNS said on Thursday.

Labelling the current media legislation as outdated, the association said that an overhaul of the media law should start at the very definition of media, including with a review of public interest and a full overhaul of provisions dealing with corrections and the right to clarification.

Binding mechanisms for journalist autonomy should be introduced, transparency of procedures in media ownership changes should be secured and concentration of ownership should be redefined, according to the DNS.

Furthermore, criteria and mechanisms for the awarding of subsidies from the Media Fund should be better defined and financing of social contributions of freelance journalists should be modelled after the system for cultural workers.

The association believes that the state is ten years late with a media development strategy, which is why the Culture Ministry and the government should take responsibility.

Turning to the new media bill, which is currently in the public consultation stage, the DNS said that the government and the relevant ministry should have prepared it at the outset of the term, "when the chances for a successful closure of a project are the biggest".

One of the main features of the proposed changes is the demand that the 20% quota for Slovenian music be fulfilled in daytime broadcasting and not during night-time as most media have done so far.

Another key feature is the expansion of editorial responsibility to comments, including online, in an effort to target hate speech. Both measures have prompted complaints, including from the DNS.


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