Museum Summer Night to Offer Loads of Culture and Fun
The Museum Summer Night will feature some 300 events in 52 towns, most of them in Ljubljana, inviting all age groups, while extending an especially warm welcome to those who are not regular visitors to museums, project coordinator Irena Marušič said ahead of the events.
The diverse programme aims at presenting institutions that preserve cultural heritage as a place where one can pass relaxing, fun and inspiring moments.
Among others, visitors are invited to observe the night sky with a telescope at the Technical Museum near Vrhnika or catch a ride with American oldtimers from the 1950s in Celje.
Moreover, story-telling by a camp fire will take place in the town of Pivka, while the visitors of the Railway Museum in Ljubljana will experience a garden railway ride or a steam tractor.
Meanwhile, the Slovenian School Museum will organise lessons as they were taught in 1865 and Ljubljana's Galleries and Museums (MGML) institution will take visitors on an evening stroll with Roman ghosts.
The Summer Museum Night places a great emphasis on being available to everyone, especially the vulnerable groups, not only to the handicapped, but also the jobless, the Roma and others, Marušič also said.
The Museum Summer Night has seen an increasing turnout over the past years. Last year alone, over 39,000 people attended the events organised throughout Slovenia.