The Slovenia Times

PM and FinMin Due in Brussels for Decisive Greece Debt Talks


Cerar is due to attend a Eurogroup summit which will follow a meeting of eurozone finance ministers, both dedicated to the looming deadline to find a solution for Greece's debt.

The eurozone meetings will be just two in a series that will take place in Brussels between Greece and its international creditors in a race against time to stave off a Greek default at the end of the month.

The Greek government and its creditors have been unable to find a common language on a deal that would provide fresh liquidity to Greece and guarantees of reforms to the creditors.

While the creditors are unhappy about the Greece's commitments to overhaul its economy and public sector, Greece argues it is being cornered into a deal that will only perpetuate its economic decline.

Attending eurozone meetings last week, Mramor was downbeat about the prospects of a breakthrough and critical of the latest Greek proposals.

"I don't expect a serious breakthrough on Monday. I wish that would be the case, but I don't expect it," he said. "The search for solutions will continue, but the positions are very far apart."

He and Cerar have in recent weeks also expressed displeasure with Greece failing to turn to all its creditors, including small countries, in an effort to strike a deal.


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