First Book on Slavic Cuisine Released
Besides typical recipes, "At the Table with the Slavs" also features gastronomic and culinary characteristics of each country and a schedule of Slavic culinary events.
The book in English written by Slovenian author Janez Bogataj includes typical dishes from Belarus, Bulgaria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, the Czech republic, Montenegro, Croatia, Macedonia, Poland, Russia, Slovakia, Serbia, Ukraine and Slovenia.
This is the first such publication in the world, with which the FSK wants to promote Slavic culinary treats, according to FSK head Andreja Rihter.
The launch of the monograph, which was published in 1,000 copies, was accompanied by a namesake exhibition.
Founded in Ljubljana in 2004 by nine Slavic countries, the FSK encourages common projects and mobility of artists and cultural workers of the thirteen Slavic member states.