Croatia Remains Top Summer Destination for Slovenians
Four in five Slovenians opt to spend their holidays in a seaside location, out of which as many as 60% prefer Slovenia's southern neighbour for their main vacation, the survey concluded.
Calculated by population, more than a million Slovenians are expected to visit Croatia for vacation in 2015.
Almost a half of all surveyed will go on holiday more than once this year. Besides going to the seaside, people also tend to spend their vacation steaming off in thermal spas, on city trips and on hiking in nature and backpacking.
Even among those who take more than one vacation a year, Croatia is still firmly in the lead with some 40% of all surveyed spending their vacation there.
As many as 28% go to other European countries and 10% go to ex-Yugoslavian republics. The remaining 9% travel to other continents.
Meanwhile, two in five Slovenians spend at least a part of their days off in Slovenia.
Half of all tourists stay in hotel resorts, while a quarter go to private apartments. Only 17% go camping.
As many as 74% of all surveyed plan their vacation by themselves, while 18% let the travel agencies do the job for them.
The economic crisis still reflects on spending habits of tourists, with the survey showing they will spend less time and money on vacation than last year.
The survey, which was carried out by pollster Valicon, included a total of 421 people between 15 and 65 years.