Slovenia to Get EUR 41.2M from EU for Imigration
The bulk of the funds made available to Slovenia will be intended for border supervision (EUR 30.7m) and for police cooperation (EUR 9.9m), the Commission said in presenting the special funding package.
The package is worth a total of EUR 2.4bn with funds being distributed as part of the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) and the Internal Security Fund (ISF).
A total of 23 national programmes were confirmed by the commission as part of the package supporting measures to deal with the migration crisis in countries affected by the increased flow of migrants arriving to Europe from Africa and the Middle East.
"Member States nowadays face unprecedented challenges in the fields of migration and security and the Commission is taking action in a spirit of solidarity," said European Home Affairs and Migration Commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos in announcing the package.
The biggest beneficiaries of the programme will be Italy, Spain and Greece - the three countries which have received the largest share of migrants arriving to the EU - which will each receive around EUR 500m in aid.