Agra Fair to Feature Nearly 2,000 Exhibitors This Year
The six-day fair, which opens on 22 August, will also feature several high-profile meetings, including a joint session of the parliamentary committees responsible for agriculture and economy.
Agra has evolved to become the biggest agriculture and food fair in Slovenia, Austria, Croatia and Hungary, according to Janez Erjavec, the boss of Gornja Radgona fairgrounds operator Pomurski sejem.
Pomurski sejem takes great pride in bringing know-how and experience to the region by organising conferences and other events open to all fairgoers.
The 53rd Agra will focus on sustainable agriculture, the growing of healthy foods and efforts to boost food self-sufficiency.
Like every year, visitors will be able to see farm animal exhibitions, wonder through model orchards, vineyards and vegetable gardens, and taste a variety of foods, wines and other beverages.