The Slovenia Times

Slovenia and China Seek Ways to Boost Tourism Cooperation


Počivalšek led a delegation of senior government representatives in talks with a delegation of the China National Tourism Administration at the outset of an eventful week for Slovenian tourism.

"I expressed a wish in talks for us to establish strong and partner relations in the development of tourism. We both believe we have much potential and opportunities in the field," Počivalšek told reporters.

Slovenia is hosting a tourism summit of Central Europe and China (16+1) in the lakeside town of Bled later this week. "This is a terribly important event for Slovenia, its tourism and I believe our diplomatic service," the minister said.

Slovenia sees the initiative as an opportunity to introduce itself to China "in an easier and economically more attractive way" as it will be given an opportunity to offer good tourism products to prospective Chinese visitors.

"We're also hoping to place Slovenia onto round-trips of Chinese visitors to this region and I believe this can form a good basis to increase what we must admit is still negligible volume of bilateral tourism trading."

Počivalšek said he and the Chinese official also discussed air links between the two countries, but he would not go into concrete details beyond expressing the belief that "progress will be made in this area".

Slovenia's goal in that respect is to build an extra bridge for economic cooperation between Asia and Europe.

The minister and Wei also mentioned the tourism panel to be held as part of the Bled Strategic Forum on Tuesday to bring together 16 ministers in charge of tourism or their deputies, representatives of tourism organisations and the China National Tourism Administration.

"This is an important event for us and Slovenian tourism that will contribute to enhancing Slovenia's recognition in the world," Počivalšek said about what is the most high-profile tourism event to be hosted by the country yet.

Wei too expressed the belief that Slovenia and China would make progress in tourism cooperation and to "reach the common goal" - a presentation of China to Slovenians and Slovenia to the Chinese.


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