E-Prescriptions to Start Being Issued
The project dubbed eRecept, worth EUR 2.1m, is undergoing final testing. As of next month, e-prescriptions will run parallel to the traditional prescribing and the new system is expected to be fully operational as of 2 November.
Its aim is to reduce the chances of administrative errors and enable doctors and pharmacists a better insight into patient's treatment, the Health Ministry argues.
As of November, patients will need only their health insurance card to pick up prescribed medicine.
"Pharmacies welcome this solution, as it will enhance communication between doctor and pharmacist to the benefit of the patient," said Miran Golub, the head of the Pharmacies Chamber.
E-prescriptions are a part of a broader project of digitalisation in the health system, running under the eZdravje (eHealth) label.
Tested in the Gorenjsko region, the eRecept system should be ready to go national next month. It will be upgraded in the future if necessary, according to the head of the regional pharmacies' chain, Romana Rakovec.
The system was developed by a consortium of seven companies. The annual costs of its maintenance are estimated at EUR 300,000.
By 1 January 2016 all health institutions are to be included in the project, while e-prescriptions will become mandatory as of 15 March 2016, the head of the eZdravje project Katarina Kralj said.