Calls for Focus as Conference Debates Smart Specialisation
The smart specialisation strategy is a renewed attempt to gain focus, in particular in science. "It is a precious attempt to emerge from the mean, which has still got a strong hold not just on science but politics in general," Pahor said.
Maja Makovec Brenčič, the minister of education, science and sport, said the strategy was a long overdue refocusing. She said the government had a huge responsibility now - to integrate public tenders and cut red tape.
The importance of calls for bids was also highlighter by Economy Minister Zdravko Počivalšek and Romana Jordan, the former MEP who is now the deputy director of the Jožef Stefan Institute.
But Jordan at the same time warned against overreach. "If politics determines every last dot and comma, it can miss by a mile given the lack of know-how and experience," she said.
Despite the apparent focus the strategy brings, other panellists claimed it was still too broad. Tadej Bajd, the head of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, noted that it involved ten sub-areas and 180 initiatives.
Dejan Roljič, the founder and director of ABC accelerator, noted that it was important how much of the strategy would be implemented in practice.