The Slovenia Times

COMPETITION: Future Expatriate Leader Award


The Future Expatriate Leader Award seeks to help young leaders in their transition to the next stage of the global leadership career. This is a competition that is run for the expatriate business leaders of tomorrow, by The EXPATRIATE Club, in cooperation with one of the leading Business Schools in the world, IMD from Lausanne.

The Future Expatriate Leader Competition offers you

1. To attend an executive education course at one of the best business schools in the world: IMD from Lausanne
2. Share your thoughts and visions with the business elite
3. Meet world's brightest minds and become a lifetime alumnus of IMD from Lausanne
4. Become part of the small and intimate gatherings with the members of The Expatriate Club
5. Become a member of a truly unique and strong international community
6. Become a recipient of the 10.000 EUR prize money which will be given to the winner
7. Broad media coverage of your winning contribution

Qualify with a great contribution

For the Future Expatriate Leader Competition answer the question listed below and share with us your own unique perspective to prove yourself as a true Expatriate Business Leader of Tomorrow.

The question

Your contribution for the competition must address the following question: Tomorrow's Global Market Leaders: What is the next small BIG thing?

Think about unconventional ideas, undiscovered trends or peripheral signals that may turn into groundbreaking changes for societies. Present one idea, which is not on the radar of current business leaders, but will change the game in business, politics or civil society.

We expect professional and thought-provoking work, which could be an essay, a video or a multimedia presentation. Be unconventional, bold and constructive to convince the jury.

The following criteria must be met

Format: Essay (max. 2100 words), Video or Presentation (max. 15 minutes)  
Language: English  
Deadline: 15th October, 2015 11:59 pm CET  
Individuality: Individual work expected, no group work allowed  
Citation: All sources must be cited and referred to the respective part in the essay  


Check your eligibility and prepare documents

To be eligible, you must fulfill all of the following criteria:
1. Up to 35 years of age
2. Already posses a Masters Degree or an MBA
3. Have accumulated five to ten years of work experience in international business environment
4. Excellent knowledge of English
5. Willingness and commitment to pursue an international expatriate business career
6. Global Mobility

All contributions will be evaluated according to specific criteria by an independent jury composed of professors, corporate executives and entrepreneurs. The authors of the best 5 contributions will be invited to join the next event of The Expatriate Club, while the bestone will be bestowed with the Future Expatriate Leader Award.

Apply for the competition and compete

The EXPATRIATE Club of Future Expatriate Leader Award 2015 will be announced on website in autumn 2015. You can pre-register for the Future Expatriate Leader Award Competition now to get regular updates on the competition.

Top five competition participants will be invited to an awards ceremony, hosted by The EXPATRIATE Club on November 3rd. Further information on the awards ceremony will be provided in a later announcement.

- Application period closes at 11:59 pm CET, on October15th, 2015
- Selection stage 1 based on CVs and submitted documents closes till October 5th, 2015
- Selection stage 2, interview short-list participants October 15th and October 25th, 2015
- Announcement of a winner and awards gala on November 3rd

NOTE: Failure to meet the prescribed deadlines will automatically eliminate you from the Future Expatriate Leader Competition!


The winner of the Future Expatriate Leader Competition will be competing for one (1) prize with a total prize value of € 10,000.


Each participant must register by October 15th, 2015 at 11:59 PM CET. Every participant must email his/her registration form to the following email address: Please ensure that the registration form is fully completed and all required documents are attached.


Please find attached to this document:
-  Registration Form

Mag. Larissa Winter, international HR/Leadership/Strategy expert, Vienna, Austria
Dr. Imre Balogh, Chairman, Probanka
Mag. Igor Cesarec, NYU, president, VTIS


Stage 1:
The application form and submitted documents will be revised, so that participants who do not fulfill the above-mentioned criteria cannot apply.

Then the Jury will have a quick look at the overview of the applications received and might delete some not eligible ones before spreading them for the next selection round. Up to20 candidates will be pre-selected.

Stage 2:

- Focus on the criteria listed above.
- Conduct face-to-face 60 minutes interview
- Select a final winner by taking into account: formal criteria, plan for future career development, result of the interview, recommendation and motivation.

All communication will be done via email. An email will be sent to each participant with instructions and subsequent steps. If you have not received email after deadlines mentioned in the "IMPORTANT DATES" above, please contact Peter Kunstičat the email address

Any information provided in an email is purely informational, and is not to be considered contractual unless written and submitted as part of an addendum.

We, The EXPATRIATE Club, together with honored Competition Jury are devoted to providing our best efforts and administering a fair bid competition that will provide a unique experience.


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