Speaker Discusses Cooperation with OECD Secretary General
Speaking with the STA over the phone from Paris, Brglez said he and Gurria discussed cooperation between the OECD and Slovenia, also with a view to the UN sustainable development goals and their integration into Slovenia's developments strategy.
The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) would be able to offer assistance to Slovenia in the monitoring of how effective the implementation of the strategy was.
"The OECD has its expertise and competences there, which it has developed through years," Brglez said, adding that the economic way of the organisation's thinking "is not directed one-sidedly just at spending reduction, but is also interested in a broader concept of development of the whole society".
Brglez called for ensuring a greater involvement of parliament in the formation of the development strategy. "This is in particular if we don't want our development to depend on every political coalition in power at any one time."
The speaker also took part in a meeting of the OECD Global Parliamentary Network, which brings together legislators and senior parliamentary officials from OECD countries and partner states.
The meeting discussed topical issues, ranging from the migration and refugee crisis to the combat against corruption and climate change.
Brglez also visited the French National Assembly on Wednesday, meeting the head of the assembly's European Affairs Commission Daniele Auroi.
They exchanged views on topical issues, especially the refugee crisis, while they also mentioned the importance of the continuation of the border arbitration process between Slovenia and Croatia.
Brglez pointed to the many opportunities for cooperation with international institutions based in Paris, the OECD as well as UNESCO. "Slovenia can only benefit from such institutions which are trying to solve global problems in an undogmatic fashion, and are our opportunity for future development."