Anti-Trust Office Demands Competitors Access to Laško Fridges
The details of the corrective measure were released two days after it was announced that the agency cleared the takeover with which Heineken gains control of the two main Slovenian brewers, Laško and Union.
Heineken had proposed the corrective measures itself to provide for adherence of anti-trust rules given Laško's control of around 80% of the beer market in the country.
Pivovarna Laško provides fridges to bars and restaurants serving its beverages and the measure is expected to ensure that these will also be able to keep products by the competition.
"At least 20% of the shelf space in the refrigerators will need to be set aside for products by competitors," the agency said in a statement.
The Dutch giant signed an agreement to buy 51.11% of Laško from a consortium of sellers in April, for EUR 114.8m or EUR 25.56 per share.
Given the small market share held by the Dutch company in Slovenia, the Competition Protection Agency found that its acquiring Pivovarna Laško, in spite of its dominant market position, would not distort competition.
Under Slovenian takeover law, Heineken will have to publish a takeover offer for the outstanding stock offering the same price.