The Slovenia Times

Gender Equality Resolution Moving to Vote on Floor


The Committee for Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Disabled Persons voted unanimously to approve the draft strategy for a final vote, after government officials pledged that a set of concrete measures in the area would follow in an action plan.

Labour Ministry State Secretary Martina Vuk said that despite a relatively strong position in gender equality on a global scale, Slovenia still faced numerous challenges, including in the labour market, where there has been a rise in unemployment among women.

Differences remain in pensions and older women and single mothers are most at risk of poverty. Women all too often face violence in their private lives, said Vuk.

Meanwhile, she identified political life as one of the fields where important progress has been made. Women's quotas have contributed greatly to progress in representation of women in politics, she said.

The resolution for 2005-2013 has done its job, assessed MP Marija Bačič of the coalition Social Democrats (SD), who said that areas needing attention in the new document are feminisation of professions and discrimination of young women by employers due to child bearing.

However, the opposition voiced criticism that the draft document lacked concrete measures. MP Jelka Godec of the Democratic Party (SDS) said that it will be difficult to implement the seat goals without measures at all levels of government.

Vuk responded by announcing that the resolution was a basis for action with a two-year action plan containing a concrete set of measures in gender equality due to follow by the end of the year.


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