The Slovenia Times

Three EU Commissioners to Attend CIVITAS Forum in Ljubljana


Commission vice-presidents Jyrki Katainen, in charge of jobs, growth, investment and competitiveness, and Maroš Šefčovič, in charge of energy union, will be received by Transport Commissioner Violeta Bulc and Ljubljana Mayor Zoran Janković.

Prime Minister Miro Cerar will also attend the event.

Both vice-presidents will address the closing part of the forum, while Cerar and Katainen will also hold a joint press conference in the afternoon.

CIVITAS, the most important European conference on sustainable mobility in cities, is this year promoting the idea of a city as a shared space.

Polona Demšar Mitrovič of the Infrastructure Ministry stressed at the opening on Wednesday that this meant city space should be used in the most democratic way possible. While in the past, cities were designed to suit car traffic, today the focus is shifting towards the people, she noted.

Ljubljana, a member of CIVITAS since 2005, was one of three European cities competing for the hosting of the conference - next to Denmark's Odense and Italy's Reggio Emilia. It has been selected due to its successful implementation of measures promoting sustainable mobility in recent years.

CIVITAS is a network of over 200 European cities striving for sustainable mobility.


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