The Slovenia Times

Until the Early Elections


Kresal told the press after a meeting with Pahor on the future of the coalition following the exit of the Zares party that the government would try to push through key laws before moving to enable a snap poll.

There is insufficient consensus on forming a new government, which is why the only logical step is to strive for "a controlled process of arriving at early elections", she said.

The key laws that the government would try and see through before then include laws on tackling white collar crime and consolidating public finances.

She expects that these would be adopted in the second half of the year, after which "we can start procedures leading to early elections".

Kresal said that the goal was to enable orderly early elections. "People have had enough hysteria," which is why the government has decided on a transparent process, she said.

Pahor and Kresal met after Zares realised its threat on Monday to leave the coalition over Pahor's refusal to agree on a cabinet overhaul.

Pahor's SocDems and Kresal's LibDems now remain the only parties in the coalition.

They agreed that the three departments vacated by Zares ministers would be filled temporarily by existing ministers.

Kresal would not reveal which ministers would assume what positions, saying that Pahor would make this public when he acquaints parliament of the details.

Meanwhile, the LibDems leader announced she has proposed a rethink of the supplementary budget. "Is this the right strategy," she wondered about the proposed spending cuts, adding that measures should be focused on allowing "business to breathe again".

Moreover, she announced that the pair had agreed to closely monitor developments in the EU and to try and push ahead with dialogue with social partners on pension, labour market and health reforms.

Asked how the minority government would try to secure sufficient votes to see through the key laws, Kresal said that talks would be held with the parties in parliament for each measure individually.

She highlighted that parliament had continued to function almost unhindered in recent days despite the fact that Zares's exit had become certain.

The prime minister is confident he can secure the required majority for the key projects, she added.


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