In latest wishlist big business wants support for "industry of the future"
In the "manifesto for the revival of industry", the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GZS) calls for a "smart business environment".
Industry contributes the lion's share to Slovenian exports, which is why a greater emphasis must be placed on making it tick and modernising it to remain competitive, said GZS president Marjan Mačkošek.
The priorities should include deciding on the industry of the future and creating a business environment conducive to promoting such an industry.
The proposals of the GZS for a smart business environment consist of "smart tax, human resources and development" policies", while the document also calls for promotion of industry abroad.
The GZS said the recommendations in the manifesto, which will be presented to government officials on Tuesday at the annual Business Summit, echo the recent priorities laid out by the European Commission.
The recommendations consist of many of the calls already made by the GZS in previous wishlists sent to the government, including cutting red tape, promoting strategic infrastructure projects and securing flexibility of labour market.
However, GZS spokesperson Goran Novković said the organisation has also crafted many new proposals, foremost the introduction of the golden investment rule, which would secure stable financing for strategic infrastructure projects.
In tax policy, the GZS reiterates its call for a reduction of the tax wedge on labour and cuts in environmental taxes and energy duties.
The manifesto also calls for overhaul of education to respond to the shortage of specific qualified workers that are needed for building industry of the future.
In helping Slovenian business go global, the GZS wants more support for fair appearances and greater financial backing for international projects by the state-owned SID export bank.