Pivka Military History Park gets EU funds for overhaul
The multi-stage project is also being financed with EU funds; while EUR 3m was already made available for the first stage of the project in 2013, the second stage will get nearly EUR 1m in EU funds.
The government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy said in a press release on Friday that EUR 956,000 will be provided by the European Regional Development Fund for the second stage, which is estimated at EUR 1.4m.
Two years ago, the Regional Development Fund contributed EUR 3m for the first stage of the overhaul, which cost EUR 4m.
The project aims to upgrade the park into a modern tourist and museum centre. The second stage will focus on restoring the various vehicles on display, building new garages for tanks and acquiring additional equipment.
The museum will also renew an existing path to the top of the nearby Primož hill bypassing a World War I cavern and the parts of the Alpine Wall, an Italian system of fortifications along the border built after World War I.