Slovenia activates EU civil protection mechanism
The Commission's spokesperson Natasha Bertaud tweeted that Slovenia has activated the mechanism, which allows member states to get non-financial aid in the immediate aftermath of a disaster, after today's visit by Dimitris Avramopoulos, the commissioner for migration, home affairs and citizenship.
Avramopoulos labelled the visit as very constructive on Twitter and called on all member states to respond to Slovenia's request for aid as part of the civil protection mechanism.
Spokesperson Mina Andreeva added in her tweet that Slovenia had requested tents, blankets, sheets and other necessities.
EU member states hit by the refugee crisis which are in need of aid have three complementary options at their disposal. Apart from activating the civil protection mechanism, they can also request emergency financial aid and a plan for transfer of refugees within the EU.
Following @Avramopoulos visit, #Slovenia has activated the #EU Civil Protection Mechanism to ask for assistance to deal with #RefugeeCrisis
- Natasha Bertaud (@NatashaBertaud) October 22, 2015