EU to send 400 police officers to Slovenia in a week
Moreover, 400 police officers will be sent to Slovenia within a week.
Slovenia is also to get "essential equipment...through bilateral support", according to a 17-point plan of action adopted by the meeting called on Slovenia's request.
Slovenia's Prime Minister Miro Cerar underlined after the migrations summit that the promises given would have to be respected by all. Otherwise Slovenia would have to act so as to protect its security and its interests, he said, adding that all possible scenarios must be discussed.
"I hope that all countries, above all Croatia, will fulfil their promises," the prime minister said. "It is vital that the pledges are respected in practice. Unless this is the case as off tomorrow, the situation will not really change. In that case, we will start treading the way I spoke of upon arrival."
He was referring to the statement that the EU would start falling apart unless a solution is found for the migration crisis.
The pledges made by the countries today are a step forward, said Cerar. But they are only the first step, and should be followed by many more - above all with by a cooperation agreement with Turkey, he added.
The prime minister said the talks had been very hard and that Slovenia had mostly succeeded with its proposals. The key issue remaining is the tackling of the causes for the migration flow in the countries of origin and transit outside of the EU, he said.
Cerar said he had pushed very hard for border control to be beefed up at the EU's external border, particularly in Greece, which has been partly incorporated in the final deal.
Among other things the countries agreed to set up within 24 hours points of contact in order to improve communication and coordination of the migration flow.
They also vowed to increase their capacities to "provide temporary shelter, food, health care, water and sanitation to all in need; triggering the EU Civil Protection Mechanism where necessary".
Greece is to increase reception capacity to 30,000 by the end of the year, while the UNHCR is to provide rent subsidies and host family programmes for at least 20,000 more.
These efforts are to be supported by the international financial institutions such as the European Investment Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the Development Bank of the Council of Europe.
Asked whether the commitments also referred to Slovenia, Cerar said that Slovenia was already providing capacities that exceed its real capabilities. The country is constantly dealing with over 10,000 refugees, which is "our maximum capability", he pointed out.
The countries also pledged to step up their registration efforts and exchange information "on the size of flows and, where requested, on all arriving refugees and migrants on a country's territory".
Efforts to manage borders are to be increased, including at the Turkey-Greece and Turkey-Bulgaria borders, the Greece-Macedonia border, the Albania-Macedonia border and the Croatia-Serbia border. As part of this effort, 400 police officers are to be deployed to Slovenia.
Cerar said that if the migrant flow continued with the current severity, Slovenia would be forced to step up measures. "If necessary, I will call the National Security Council meeting in the coming days," he said.
Slovenia will watch closely today on how Croatia and other countries from the Balkan route are implementing their commitments, Cerar said, adding that he had made this clear to Croatian PM Zoran Milanović in Brussels.
The European Commission too will be watching, he said, adding that Slovenia would also regularly report to it on the situation.
The prime minister did not wish to speak about the financial aid that Slovenia had requested for, saying only that the final figure the country would ask for would probably be around EUR 60m.
As regards fears that Germany and Austria might close their borders, Cerar said this would cause a domino effect and be a disaster for Europe. He added that Germany Chacellor Angela Merkel stressed at the meeting she had no intention of closing the border.