Slovenian MEPs and activists fear loss of internet neutrality
Slovenia, which is the only EU member along with the Netherlands that has internet neutrality signed into law, already opposed what critics see as a loosely written proposal at EU council level and saw a strong campaign by activists against the adoption in the European Parliament.
Seven of the country's eight MEPs - the exception being Lojze Peterle (NSi/EPP) - backed today the amendments meant to secure that all web traffic is treated equally by networks.
All amendments were however rejected and a proposal adopted that MEP Igor Šoltes (Zares/Greens) said was "missing practically all provisions referring to the notion, definition and securing of internet neutrality".
Also very critical was Tanja Fajon (S&D/SD), who said the European parliament had "opened the door to a discriminatory internet policy".
Franc Bogovič (SLS/EPP) criticized the decision to lump into a single legislative package the internet traffic rules and the abolition of mobile data roaming charges, the latter being supported by everyone.
Opponents of the adopted wording of the rules governing how internet traffic is managed in the EU have been warning it is too vague and open to abuse.
This was echoed today by Slovenia's leading net neutrality campaigner Savič. "We don't know what will happen now, how this will be interpreted by the telcos, in what ways they will abuse this wording," he said, arguing the rules "allow them to regulate the content on their networks".
He expects the internet industry will try to weaken local legislation now, including Slovenia's, which is something he plans to fight.
The net neutrality concept stipulates that internet providers and governments should treat all data equally, but the adopted rules allow for certain exceptions, for instance limiting access when a network is overburdened.