FDI in the Pokolpje region
Among other ways to achieve this goal is to attract FDI in the region.
Since 2011, 26 companies from foreign countries and other Slovenian regions, registered seat of th company or subsidiary in the Pokolpje region. 11 of them were successful in receiving funds from public tenders for the Pokolpje region. They will create 110 new jobs in the future. In 2014 and 2015, 8 new investments have been executed in the Pokolpje region, among them 4 FDIs (2 from Italy, 1 from Estonia and 1 from Switzerland). Since 2014 development institutions in the Pokolpje region prepared 40 offers for potential foreign investors and for investors from other parts of Slovenia. They offered information on local industries, legislation, taxes and incentives from Pokolpje program, business zones, local suppliers and links with industry in the region and local authorities.
In the field of attracting FDI in the Pokolpje region, the main focus during 2014 and 2015 has been on Italy. In 2014, Development and Information centre Bela krajina used Lead Generation services and held meetings with 7 Italian companies, with interest in investing in Pokolpje region in the period of 1-3 years. The results of their activities are 2 new FDI in the business zone TRIS Kanižarica (joint investment of Slovene and Italian partner). Italian investors recognize the region as an attractive destination for expansion as they appreciate its motivated and well skilled labour force, appropriate tax environment and good geographical location.
Development institutions from Pokolpje are also present at international real estate trade fairs and international business forums. On fairs they promote bigger investment projects in the region, like TRIS Kanižarica Business Park, Semič nursing home, Wellness on the Kolpa River, Gradac Castle, Spa resort Bela krajina, Pokolpje business zones and opportunities and benefits for investing in the Pokolpje region. In 2014 and 2015 they were present at EXPO REAL München and MIPIM Cannes. On the special event during EXPO REAL trade fair in 2014, they presented tourist and business opportunities in the Pokolpje region for German agents. Regional Development institutions from Pokolpje are also encouraging the internationalization of local SMEs. They are informing local companies and entrepreneurs about possibilities of international delegations and forums in organization of SPIRIT Slovenia. On international business forums and conferences they held B2B meetings with potential investors. In the previous years they were present at Futurallia Rhône-Alpes in Lyon and Americanallia in Guadalajara.
Information on investment opportunities in Pokolpje region to domestic and foreign investors offer Development and Information centre Bela krajina and Development Centre Kočevje Ribnica, d.o.o.