Cerar warns climate change could worsen migration crisis
"If we do not act now, pressing migration flows we are facing today will soon be further amplified by climate change. This is why I call for action," Cerar appealed.
He said the UN climate conference came at an extraordinary time, in a year marked by security issues, growing problems of changing climate conditions and an unprecedented migration crisis.
"These related global challenges are calling for the swift adoption of comprehensive commitments to preserve this planet for future generations," Cerar told the gathering of world leaders in Paris.
He expressed Slovenia's full support for the EU's common position and pledged the country would implement its fair share of what he described as an ambitious contribution.
He called for an ambitious and durable legally-binding agreement bringing together advanced and developing countries.
Slovenia advocates an agreement in the form of a protocol that would include commitments on reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and a mechanism to review progress and adjusting the goals every five years.
Slovenia also plans to enhance climate financing. An additional contribution from the national climate fund will increase total climate financial aid by 50% from previous level, Cerar announced.
Later, Cerar told reporters the world leaders had a moral and historic duty to prevent a disaster. He was confident they would make a clear joint signal that an important step forward must be made.
But he admitted that the path to an ambitious and binding agreement would be difficult, considering the extremely diverse interests of various countries.
Nevertheless, he believes even the most polluting countries have begun to understand they must do something as they too are feeling the consequences of excessive emissions.
He said the key message of some 150 leaders gathered in Paris today was that politicians from across the world are now truly aware of the problem and challenge of climate change.
Negotiations on concrete solutions will show whether it was mere rhetoric or the politicians were honest about what they said. "There's great hope, however, that we can make substantial progress," he said.
"It is a moral duty, obligation of our generation to posterity and a turning point because everyone in this world has slowly realised action is needed here and now...or else we'll take the blame for the planet's ruin and for our children to face a catastrophe."