Police agree to upgrade ID measures on migration route
As part of these efforts, the police forces from Greece, Macedonia, Serbia and Slovenia are mulling introducing a single document for refugees for their travels across Europe.
Slovenia will raise the possibility for such an identity document at EU level and seek cooperation from the European Agency for External Borders, Frontex, a statement from the Slovenian police said.
Representatives from the four police forces agreed that measures were needed to upgrade the implementation of border rules.
Moreover, they expressed interest in working more closely on providing for an effective mechanism for distinguishing refugees entitled to international protection from economic migrants.
Another topic of discussion was measures for reuniting families who get separated on their journey. The police forces agreed to set up contact points for separated family members to help the Red Cross, which is currently leading efforts to reunite family members.
Police on the Balkans route have registered an increased interest among refugees for returning home or to another country through which they have passed.
To respond to this, police officials from the four countries called on the International Organisation for Migrations (IOM) to prepare a regional approach for supporting voluntary returns, the statement said.
The participants reviewed plans by Frontex for managing the refugee flow on the external border, assessing that this should help stem the flow of refugees into Greece.
Measures are also being planned for stronger oversight of refugees exiting Greece into Macedonia and then continuing their path on the Balkans route.
Slovenian Police Commissioner Marjan Fank is expected to present the details of today's debate to his Croatian counterpart, who was not present at the meeting despite being invited, the police statement added.