The Slovenia Times

Brazilian Culture Week

Mar 18 - Mar 22

A series of events focusing on the heritage and role of Brazil will be held at the Ljubljana Oton Župančič City Library.

Brazilian Ambassador Eduardo Prisco Paraiso Ramos and Blažka Müller, associate professor for Portuguese language at Ljubljana's Faculty of Art, will discuss Brazilian culture, history and mentality, as well as Brazil's role in the modern world at the opening event on 18 March.

The library will host a talk on the Pedagogy of the Oppressed by Brazilian author and educator Paulo Freire and a presentation of the novel Nine Nights by Bernardo Carvalho, a contemporary Brazilian writer and journalist.

The Capoeira Tribo Unida group will present the trilingual book on capoeira, an Afro-Brazilian martial art and game with elements of dance, acrobatics, music and spirituality.

There will be screenings of the biographical documentary The Salt of the Earth by Brazilian photographer Sebastiao Salgado, which depicts his work in war zones and during humanitarian crises. Slovenian photographer Arne Hodalič will also give a lecture on Salgado.

Two Slovenian music groups will perform bossa nova, a music genre that originates in Brazil.
