Klavdij Sluban's contemplative black and white photographs
Mar 19 2024 - Aug 25 2024 Ljubljana
More than 150 black and white photographs by Klavdij Sluban, the multi-award-winning French-Slovenian photographer, are on show at the Ljubljana Jakopič Gallery in the largest retrospective exhibition of his work yet.
A nomad, Sluban spends time between working in the confined spaces of juvenile prisons in France, Eastern Europe and Central and Latin America, and his travels around the world, which are characterised by solitude, silence and deep contemplation.
He has been photographing youth in prisons since 1995 and shares his passion with young prisoners at photography workshops, giving them an opportunity to express themselves creatively.
The exhibition Elsewhere Here showcases this and other aspects of his work, including his extensive travels and his Balkans - Transit series, which he started during the wars in the former Yugoslavia.
There are photographs from his his long journeys on the Trans-Siberian, Trans-Mongolian and Tibetan railways, and his stays in extreme conditions and in remote, isolated places such as the Kerguelen Islands.
His photographs are landscapes inhabited by all the senses, which is reflected in the exhibition's contemplative conclusion, where an image of the torii of a Shinto shrine on the island of Itsukushima is complemented by a soundscape that conveys a holistic experience of snow and Japan, two of Sluban's most poetic motifs.