The Slovenia Times

Music and discussions at Grounded

Aug 24 2023 - Aug 26 2023

The latest trends in electronic music and discussions on peace as one of the conditions for human rights will blend at the three-day Grounded Festival.

The musical line-up will see more than 25 performers from several countries, including Babynymph from Greece, the US-Ukrainian duo Sha Ru, Avtomat from Poland and Matale from Kosovo and Slovenian acts Ascyth, Đakka and Nasty Nancy.

The discussions will host theoreticians, journalists and historians who have experienced war or peacebuilding, foremost in the region of the former Yugoslavia.

Some of those are Emina Buzinkić, who obtained a PhD in the US and deals with migration a lot, and Croatian activist and pacifist Vesna Teršelić, professor at the University of Innsbruck Slađana Lazić, historians Marta Verginella and Janez Weiss, law expert Vasilka Sancin, and climate expert Lučka Kajfež.

The music events will take place at the Metelkova counterculture centre, and the debates at the Metelkova museum quarter, Town Hall and the Pritličje bar nextdoor.

An exhibition by Ukrainian artists entitled Volunteers in the Battle for Life and Freedom will be held in Pritličje to raise money to support the work of the UARTIST community, which was established after the start of the Russian invasion to help connect Ukrainian artists during the war.

For the full programme click here.