Festival of computer arts
Oct 6 2023 - Oct 13 2023 Maribor
Known by its acronym MRFU, the International Festival of Computer Arts is Slovenia's oldest intermedia art festival, having been launched in 1995. It is best known for presenting both artistic theory and practice, and venturing beyond the confines of art to explore broader social, economic and political issues.
This year it s running under the theme Periodization of space and time through the intermedia. Local and international authors of different generations will present their works in the field of intermediate (computer) and research art, at exhibitions and during guest appearances. The research of pioneers in these fields will be highlighted, as well as the participation of young people.
More than three dozen art practitioners and theorists will be presented, among them Maja Smrekar, Stefan Doepner, Igor Štromajer and Son:DA.
The full programme is available at https://www.mfru.org/mfru-2023?content=introduction.