The Slovenia Times

Impact of Technology within the Slovenian Job Market


One of the more subtle changes comes in terms of the average age of workers. Workplace demographics are tilting towards younger workers. Advancements in technology are an important factor in this younger workforce, but possibly not for the reason many assume.Technology is responsible for many companies being able to streamline their operations. As jobs are eliminated, many older workers chose retirement over choosing to change careers. Additionally, companies in Slovenia have mirrored those in other countries by eliminating the jobs of older workers when downsizing (See Reluctence to Older Workers in Slovenia) While it is true that many older workers are not as tech-savvy as their younger counter-parts, this does not seem to be a major issue.

Technology factors into virtually every type of business. This has created a demand for a more skilled workforce. The expected return on making an investment in one's education continues to grow. Not only are prospective employers looking for those able to navigate the technical portions of the jobs easily, most of the bigger companies have a global footprint. This makes those with the ability to speak multiple languages, especially English, in high demand.

Wages have been affected by technology both positively and negatively. Tech heavy positions have seen a marked increase in wages, while those requiring little or no technical ability have decreased. The average monthly income of the Slovenian workforce is the lowest since 2008 and has shown a negative growth rate in the last two years. Part of this is due to what is called the "Bermuda Triangle" of age, wage and productivity. This differential is likely to increase in the next few years.

In years past, companies were more one dimensional than they are today. Increased technology requires additional support and competing in a global marketplace often means more administrative staff in areas such as customer service and marketing.

Bio-tech and Pharmaceutics

The demand for generic medicines and the growth of bio-tech drugs is a major force in the Slovenian, and the world's, economy. The development and manufacture of drugs is a good example of the different levels of expertise required in today's workplace. The companies need researchers, chemists, analysts, quality control experts, as well as compliance officers, project managers, and manufacturing experts. The small biotech firms operating in Slovenia, along with generic drug giant KRKA and Bayer continue to grow and offer a wealth of opportunity. The ever-increasing demand for quality pharmaceuticals and the need to develop new drugs should keep the demand high in this sector. As the companies grow so due support and feeder industries such as contract service provider, logistical experts and academic institutions. These support industries are especially important for Slovenia's biotech firms many of which are small or micro-enterprise companies.

The Growth of the Remote Workplace

At one point the ability to work at home was basically reserved for entrepreneurs. Slovenia has made it fairly easy for individuals to start their own businesses. However more and more companies are taking the remote worker concept. This is especially true in the area of customer support and service. The technological revolution has changed not only the workplace but created a new set of expectation on the part of consumers. Today's consumers expect easily assessable customer service centers. They expect them to be able to help with anything from minor issues to complex technological questions. This means that the days of a customer service rep reading from a prepared "create-your-own-adventure" type script are long gone. Companies like PokerStars and Microsoft have built their reputation on customer service as well as programming expertise.

Programming and coding positions, which at one time where carried out in small cubicle farms, is another area where the use of remote employees is growing. These programming positions which can be for large multinationals like the aforementioned Microsoft and PokerStars, and Google, or for smaller companies needing to establish digital presence ranging from social media to e-commerce solutions.

Technology has also given rise to a new breed of self-employed workers. This includes bloggers, online direct and auction sales, and even professional poker players. One example is Luka Kovac, part of PokerStars Team Pro, who transition from being a professional skier and traveling over half the year to that of online poker player, who is able to work from the comfort of his home. This is not just one example, but one of thousands of people around the world today.


Manufacturing has been an important part of the Slovenian economy for many years. Renault has had a manufacturing presence in the country for over a century. No other business sector has benefited as much from advances in technology. Those technological changes coupled with marketplace expansion and the ease of doing business from any place in the EU have contributed to the growth of manufacturing. Siliko, now one of the world's leading manufacturers of rubber technical products sums up the manufacturing sectors needs on the website.

"Due to the rapid widening of production scope and the growth of the company in all areas we have been paying more and more attention in the recent years to the recruitment of young, ambitious, highly skilled professionals, especially from the fields of engineering and technical sciences. No less important is the recruitment of young, ambitious blue-collar workers who will do their job with enthusiasm and commitment." - Siliko Employment

As was pointed out in a recent The Slovenia Times article, the new technologies are an important part of Slovenia's economic future in the global marketplace. While these same technological advances open new doors for both individual entrepreneurs and large corporations, the resultant changes require the government to take a new approach to business. In order for the Slovenian workforce to be able to fully capitalize on the opportunities presented by these advancements it is necessary for academic institutions and businesses to make sure that current and future workers are well trained as well.


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