The Slovenia Times

Bled Strategic Forum 2024

Panellists at Bled Strategic Forum discuss the future of NATO. Photo: Boštjan Podlogar/STA
A panel debate at the Bled Strategic Forum about the future of NATO underlined the importance of deterrence, military capabilities and increased investments. In fact, the alliance will launch detailed talks with members about their defence investments in the future, NATO Assistant Secretary General
European Travel Commission CEO Eduardo Santander speaks at the tourism panel at the Bled Strategic Forum. Photo: Boštjan Podlogar/STA

Data crucial for future of tourism

Bled Strategic Forum 2024
The power of data topped the panel on tourism at the Bled Strategic Forum with the panellists noting that data will be key for the development of the sector but that information must be reliable and accessible.
In a time marked by climate change, lack of high-skilled workforce, political tensions,
The Bled Strategic Forum panel on post-election EU. Photo: Nebojša Tejić/STA

Plethora of challenges for EU post-election

Bled Strategic Forum 2024Politics
The EU faces even bigger challenges than in the Commission's and Parliament's previous term, heard a Bled Strategic Forum panel. Competitiveness, the technological dominance of the US and China, and inadequate defence spending were highlighted as some of the key concerns along with incomplete integ

Bled Strategic Forum 2023

Bled Strategic Forum panel entitled The Knowledge Society and the Future Tourism Professions. Photo: Boštjan Podlogar/STA
The tourism sector is grappling with multiple challenges, and addressing them effectively will rely heavily on tourism workers, who are hard to come by, speakers at the tourism panel at the Bled Strategic Forum said. The panellists also called for accelerated digitisation to allow the industry to g
Foreign Minister Tanja Fajon at the 2023 Bled Strategic Forum. Photo: Daniel Novakovič/STA

Fajon says now is time for enlargement push

Bled Strategic Forum 2023Politics

Foreign Minister Tanja Fajon sees 2023 as a key year for enlargement after Council President Charles Michel identified 2030 as the year both the EU and Western Balkans countries should be ready for enlargement. "The commitment may be important symbolically and politically, but it is important temp
Panellists discussing enlargement and reform at a discussion entitled European Union: Decision maker? Photo: Nebojša Tejić/STA
The need for enlargement and the need for reform were in the focus of a panel discussing the role of the EU as a decision maker at the Bled Strategic Forum on 29 August. While the panellists, mostly foreign policy representatives of EU member states, agreed that the EU must undergo a reform process